A Report on a Happy and Successful Craft Show!

The Handmade Nashville 2021 Spring and Summer Craft Show is in the bag and in my opinion it was our best ever! Maybe it was the great vibes because everyone was just so darn happy to be out and around other people or maybe it was the comfortable late spring weather, but it was a joyful day all around and I’m so glad we were able to host this craft show!

We had a big crowd in the morning and a steady stream of shoppers all the way through to the end of the event. All of the visitors I spoke to seemed to be having a wonderful time browsing and buying the handmade products and food from our handmade artisans and food truck vendors.

The vendors were also having a fantastic day! We had great positive feedback about the “relaxing and friendly atmosphere” and the “camaraderie of the event”. That is why many of them jumped right back in and immediately signed up for our fall event, but of course, not everyone is available in November, so we still have some spots to fill at our Small Business Saturday event and we have news coming soon about our BRAND NEW event The Summer Night Market in August (vendor app coming soon!).

If you’d like to join us as a handmade vendor in November, you can get the vendor application below. Please note before you submit your application that certain categories are already full.

Also make sure you’re signed up for our events newsletter and join our artisan group so you don’t miss a thing!